Super Grammar: Happy Birthday, Super Grammar! (and giveaway)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Birthday, Super Grammar! (and giveaway)

Holy exclamation points! We're one year old!

That's right, citizens; one year ago today, Super Grammar was officially published by Scholastic books and sent out into the world to help everyone better protect and defend their sentences from mistakes and wrongdoing.

With only one short year of existence tucked under its handy-dandy utility belt, Super Grammar is undoubtedly a very young grammar book. But for such a relatively young book, we're very happy and proud to report that Super Grammar has already received two pretty amazing reviews from two very noteable educational book reviewers: the School Library Journal and Booklist. (Read these reviews here!)

That's some truly awesome news—so let's celebrate!

Since it's our birthday, we thought it would be a good idea to give away some of our Super Grammar birthday presents to you!

Here's what you can win in our Super Grammar Birthday Giveaway:

Three (3) lucky grand prize winners will win an autographed copy of Super Grammar, a set of our four (11"x 17") Super Grammar Promo posters, a National Grammar Day poster, a Super Grammar book bag, two bookmarks, and some stickers.

And five (5) lucky runner up winners will win a set of our four (11"x 17") Super Grammar Promo posters, a National Grammar Day poster, two bookmarks, and some stickers.

We know that Super Grammar has friends all around the world, so this giveaway has no borders. Anyone from any country is welcome to enter. (terms and conditions of the giveaway)

Please use the rafflecopter below to enter the giveaway. 

Good luck, and for those of you getting ready for back-to-school, here's our birthday wish for you: May your sentences always be strong!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Super Grammar rocks! Thanks for making grammar fun and happy birthday!

  2. Super Grammar is great! We love the posts and tweets!

  3. I love Super Grammar! I started using it with my students last week.

  4. Happy Birthday Super Grammar! You rock!

  5. We love your books. I like subject and predicate-- the completion team. :)

  6. The Fragment is my favorite!!

  7. The coma splice is our favourite grammar villain, she is super-wicked! ;)

  8. I LOVE your books. As a writing teacher of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students, I appreciate how engaging they are! Sometimes it is hard to explain grammar on a level that ALL students can get- you have made that part of my job much easier! THANK YOU!

    1. AND, I can't choose ONE- but I love the Amazing Eight! WAHOO!

  9. I don't have a favorite yet. I'm sure I will after getting these books into my classroom, though. ;-)

  10. I may be a sucker for villains: I adore Comma Splice and The Run On. Do you have anything on "which" versus "that?" I seem to confuse them at times...

  11. I love Super Grammar! I discovered it last year at our school's book fair, and I've found myself on the website many times. What a great prize pack!

  12. Happy b-day!! :P I love the fragment! :)
    Jenna O

  13. Why was this not around when I was in school?
    The Run On since I'm always correcting my nine year old about it :) Love this!

  14. Super Grammar is an awesome compliment to our superhero themed classroom. My teacher partner won the posters in your last give-a-way and my class keeps asking why we don't have the "really cool" posters in our classroom!
    I hope I win!

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